How to stop theft in your back office

How to stop theft in your back office

It’s unfortunate, but even in today’s era of two-factor authentication and hyper-alert security, we still hear stories of physicians being defrauded by their employees. To help protect yourself from financial fraud, consider adopting these five approaches in your practice.

The most common place for fraud to occur is in the back office of small businesses where only one person handles the cash and books. Train more than one person on the cash conversion cycle. Rotate people through the various processes, too, so that no single person operates in a silo. When multiple people know the process, they can check each other’s work for mistakes and anomalies. Cross-training employees helps to create an open and transparent environment. It also reduces the chance of theft by assuring no one person wields too much power. Ultimately, it would be best if you also knew the process, so you can be an effective leader and fiscally responsible business owner.

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